It was the year 1181 when Saint Francis was born in Assisi.
He was 24 years old when in the year of 1205
he heard the crucifix in the little San Damiano's church saying to him :
"Francis go and repair my Home that is going to ruin".
In the year 1216 after having prayed a
lot he obtained from the Lord forgiveness for all those who would have come to
pray in the Porziuncola with a complete remission of every guilt. This extraordinary grace
has been officialized by Pope Onorio III
as "The Forgiveness of Assisi", a plenary indulgence that can be
obtained from midday of 1 august to midnight of 2 august.
In the year of 1224 Francis received the stigmata of the Passion at Mount Verna.
Feeling close the end of his earthly life, Francis wanted to be brouhgt to the
Porziuncola, in Santa Maria degli Angeli, where he died at the sunset of
3rd 1226.
Two years later on July 16th he was declared Saint by Pope Gregory IX.
When he met Clare, he loved her like he never did anyone else before: he
understood immediately that she should have been the small plant, to be
cultivated for the Lord. And she wrote then in the hymn to poverty:
O holy poverty!
To all who possess and desire you,
God promises the kingdom of heaven,
and offers in an unfailing way
eternal glory and blessed life!
chap.9 |
(The Mystery of
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